Tuesday 1 November 2011

The Day I Found The Shoes

The day I found The Shoes was also the day:
I went to Kings of Leon (a real rock concert, many half naked sozzled people vomming on each other and the smell of sweet green in great clouds above the standing area) and LOVED them (not so much the scary vombots)
I had my first French deluxe mani pedi at Sorbet
I had my first vanilla milkshake in about 5 years, the previous time following a particularly heavy night in Cape Town, which understandably put me off for years
I saw a 6 foot 5 man in 9 inch heels at Rosebank – yes a MAN
Momentous stuff.

Soft pink perfection and they even have cut-out areas so my poor trotters can breathe in the heat of January. 
They are from....Hush Puppies. No jokes. How can you not go into that store when this doggie is in the window:

Now that normality has returned to the world of shoes...what’s next to obsess about? *grins inanely*

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