Thursday 31 January 2013

food adventure: baklava

In my efforts to become a domestic goddess, rather than a domestic (ie: one who cleans the shower and packs the dishwasher when one's housekeeper is on Christmas leave) which is what I am now, I tried a bit of light cooking/baking. I turned to the trusty the pretty blog for a recipe for baklava. It is supposed to light and syrupy and flaky, but mine turned out a bit stodgy. I shall blame this on the 33 degrees and 90% humidity in Durbs on that day, and NOT my hopeless lack of basic pastry skills.

My hubby still ate almost all of them, bless his heart...

Note if you want to try this recipe: even though it says leave some texture in the nuts, do NOT take this to mean large goblets of almond/walnut like I did because then the pastry doesn't lie nice and flat (and you may break your teeth).

Just so you know, this is what baklava is supposed to look like:

Image by Tasha Seccombe

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