Sunday 29 September 2013

man and his best friend

One of my favourite times of the day is getting home from work and being welcomed by my puppies. They are always so pleased to see me. Howie usually has his purple toy in his mouth, now rather broken and gobby, and Coco the Bear welcomes me with the waggiest tail you've ever seen. I saw this photo on Twitter** a few weeks ago and it really touched my heart.

One of the reasons I love photography is how it makes me feel. Whether it evokes a memory so tangible I could touch it, or brings up an emotion I had long forgotten existed, it's my favourite art form. I look at that photograph and that man homeless? Or just poor? Is that dog the only companion in his harsh life? I remember being in New York a few years ago and seeing a homeless person with one dog, one cat and a BUNNY. In a bitter New York winter. But those animals were so well cared for, and I was sure he fed them before himself. Animals do that to you, when you let them into your family and into your heart.

Ryan Gosling and his dog George, who he calls "the love of his life". Eat your hearts out ladies. Taken by Hama Sanders.

George Clooney and Einstein, a Spaniel cross (don't you think he has the same serious face as Howie?). Einstein is so fabulous he appeared in Esquire, photographed by Nigel Parry.

**I would love to credit the original photographer; I think it may be Veronica Henri as the photo above is similar to this one.

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