Saturday 13 April 2013

real life blogging

I love blogging, no doubt about it. But when I read Keri's post about honesty and blogging it totally changed my perspective. She is one smart and funny lady, and her honesty about her life and feelings and love on her blog makes it so special.

So I've decided; no more hiding behind what interests me. I've been so afraid to blog about myself and my life in case its...well...BORING and in case I reveal too much, that I've only been blogging about what's outside me. Not INSIDE me. So prepare yourselves people. There is a lot going on in there.

When I think about why I've been scared there are so many reasons. What if no-one likes me? What if my writing, MY writing about MY life, really sucks? What if nothing happens in my life for months on end...wait...who am I kidding? Nic and I are the Leaders and Co-Presidents of the Anti-Comfort Zone. But still. What if I write something that hurts someone? Or gives someone the impression I'm stalking them? Or, worse, copying them?? What if I don't write for weeks on end because I have crazy deadlines at work or a new baby (before you get all excited, we are thinking the end of next year but that's a whole post on its own).

But these fears are something everyone feels about EVERYTHING in their lives, so best I suck it up and do something I love with no fear. OK, let's not go too far...let me do something I love while ignoring the fear. As Mrs Midlands Musings says:

"Let’s bring blogging back to what it’s supposed to be: raw, honest, human emotion.  Storytelling.  Over-sharing.  Connecting.  Bonding.  Truth."

Much love xxx

This is Keri on her wedding day, isn't she beautiful? (and no I am not a stalker she IS). Photography by Bright Girl Photography.

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