Thursday 22 September 2011

First Look

This is the one thing Nicky and I have decided to do that has caused MAJOR upset. I’m talking LARGE. Especially with the older generation. Horrified looks, disapproving grunts and general “have you youngsters lost it?’s” They all think we have gone what Nic calls BSC (Bat Shit Crazy).
If you don’t know, here are two photographer’s blogs that give fantastic explanations of what a First Look is.

Zara Zoo
Segerius Bruce

It just makes sense people. The sky will not fall on our heads if we decide to see each other before the wedding ceremony. When you’ve been living together for more than two years, believe me seeing your man all suited up before the ceremony is the LEAST of your worries. Bathroom mishaps and digestive related nightmares abound when you live with someone for that long, especially in a flat the size of a Vietcong POW camp. It’s a true testament to love I tell you.
So we’ll be doing it.
And wedding guests, you will thank me when you don't have 2 hours to get tanked on the bar tab and are hungover by the first dance - waiting for us to have a million couple photos. As Mom says “your wedding is nothing but different”. Yes The Rules have gone out the window (hopefully onto our jackass neighbour's garden, making a loud and messy splat) and Nicky and I are rocking it.
And how sweet are the couples' faces when they see each other for the first time?

I have nicked these pics from the blog posts above (follow the links!).

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